50 Cookies for your Christmas Plate
It’s that time of year. Cookie making time!
So get out the flour and sugar, preheat the oven, line up the baking sheets and pick out a few new recipes to try.
5-Ingredient Vanilla Almond Snowballs from White Lights on Wednesday
A Charlie Brown Christmas Sugar Cookies from Pink Apron Baker
Almond Crunch Cookies from Call Me PMc
Apple Pie Snickerdoodles from Endlessly Inspired
Candy Cane Blossoms from Baked Perfection
Chewy Dark Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies from The Sweet Chick
Chocolate and Brown Butter Madeleines from Heather’s French Press
Chocolate Dipped Macaroons from Making Memories with Your Kids
Chocolate Malt Cookies from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Shortbread Bites from Mrs. Happy Homemaker
Chocolate Mint Sandwich Cookies from Sweet Twist of Blogging
Christmas Chocolate Drops from Love Bakes Good Cakes
Chunk Monkey Cookies from Cooking with Curls
Cinnamon Pecan Toffee Cookies from FoodBabbles
Cookie Christmas Tree from White Lights on Wednesday
Cookies & Cream Cookies from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Peanut Butter reindeer Cookies from 365 Days of Baking
Dark Chocolate Tiger Cookies from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Dark Chocolate Orange Shortbread from White Lights on Wednesday
Death By Mint Chocolate Cookies from Life Made Simple
Double Cruncher Cookies with Fudge Filling from A Bright and Beautiful Life
Double Chocolate Cranberry Cookies from White Lights on Wednesday
German Cinnamon Stars from The Cottage
Gingerbread Madeleines from Created by Diane
Gingerbread Men from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Grandma’s Sugar Cookies from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Homemade Peppermint “Oreos” from Amy’s Cooking Adventures
Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies from Munchkin Munchies
Italian Butter Cookies from The Toasted Sprinkle
Italian Lemon Drop Cookies from White Lights on Wednesday
Kourabiethes (Greek Butter Cookies) from White Lights on Wednesday
Lemon Ginger Snaps from It Bakes Me Happy
Linzer Cookies from Jen’s Favorite Cookies
Magic Christmas Bars from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Maple Glazed Oatmeal Cookies from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
No-Bake Snowball Cookies from Jellibean Journals
Nutella, Brown Butter, and Chocolate Chip Cookies from Club Narwhal
Nutty Toffee Bars from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Olive Oil & Sea Salt Brownie Cookies from Persnickety Plates
Peanut Butter Chai Cookies from Frugal Foodie Mama
Peppermint Chocolate Biscotti from Melissa’s Cuisine
Poinsettia Cookies from Echoes of Laughter
Rudolf Cookies from White Lights on Wednesday
Salted Dark Chocolate Almond Cookies from My Happy Place
Salted Pistachio Pudding Cookies from Chocolate, Chocolate and More
Shortbread Christmas Mice from Cravings of a Lunatic
Spiced Mocha Almond Biscotti from Scientifically Sweet
Swedish Christmas Cookies from Michelle’s Tasty Creations
Chocolate Turtle Pudding Cookies from Lemons for Lulu
White Chocolate Pretzel Cookies from White Lights on Wednesday
Chocolate Dipped Coconut Meringues from Kleinworth & Co.

Post script: Joan passed away in her sleep on October 22, 2015. She went to bed feeling nauseous (which is one of the signs of heart attacks in women) and never woke up. Please learn the signs of heart attack in women (they are different than for men) and if you have high blood pressure or family history of heart disease, don’t brush off nausea as just the flu. Joan made it very clear that she wanted her work to continue in the event of her death so her family is working to keep Joan’s dream alive. In the days following her death, Joan’s fellow bloggers started a twitter campaign #ChocolateForJoan and #chocolateeverydamnday. We hope you’ll join us in honoring Joan’s memory by having chocolate every day.
50 Cookies for your Christmas Plate
Jenetta Penner says
Oh, all of these definitely look delicious!
Annette Pennesi says
Is this a book and where could I purchase it?
Joan Hayes says
This isn’t a book, not all the recipes are from my site but if you click on the name of each cookie, it will take you to the recipe. Happy Baking!
jane Teasly says
Santa has been complaining that our cookies weren’t very good last year. I told Santa he could go sleep in our dumpster rental out front if he wanted to keep acting like trash. After a few days, I felt bad and now I want to make him the best cookies. White chocolate pretzel cookies are sure to make Santa cheer.