I love a good cup of coffee. So does the hubby. We start out the day with a pot of coffee. Now that my son is in high school, he thinks he’s entitled to a cup of coffee on school days. I really wish my hubby hadn’t said yes to this. I was against it. It messes with the coffee to person ratio in our house.
Here’s the deal. I’m not a morning person. I never have been. Back in my single days, I loved sleeping in and taking a later shift for work.
My hubby, luckily has always known this about me. That I’m not a morning person. And he’s always been kind to me in the mornings. Bringing me my first cup of coffee before I’m even out of bed. He IS a morning person.
What’s even better than having your first cup of coffee in the morning without ever getting out of bed? Having your kids also make sure to bring you that cup of coffee. With the sugar and cream perfectly measured.
I’m always awake when my coffee is brought in, I just don’t like getting out of my warm bed right away in the morning. Depending on who brings in the coffee, we might have some snuggle time (the youngest) or just a quick hug and “Love you mama” from my son or some chat time with the middle one.
So I love my morning coffee time in bed. Now that my son is drinking coffee though, it’s messing things up. We use larger mugs for our morning coffee. Our 10 cup coffee pot make 4 perfect cups of coffee for the hubby and me. Two cups for hubby and two cups for me (and I do get my own second cup.)
There is no “extra” coffee for another cup. We have to make another half pot just so my son, who in my opinion is too young for morning coffee, can get a cup.
Now I could go ahead and have a third cup, and there are some mornings I do. But usually, that extra coffee just gets dumped down the drain, wasted. And it’s good coffee, the hubby is particular about his dark roast.
No more. In addition to letting my son have coffee in the morning, the hubby is also allowing the girls to have frozen coffee drinks when we’re on a road trip. Or as a treat when he’s taken them to the store.
So, in an effort to save us a few bucks (fancy coffee drinks are expensive when you start getting them for the whole family) Any time we have “leftover coffee” I just pour it into Ice cube trays and freeze it.
By the time the weekend rolls around we’ve got enough coffee cubes for everyone to have a Frozen Whipped Mocha and it only cost us a few cents to make.
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Frozen Whipped Mocha
- 1 cup strong coffee, frozen into cubes
- 1/2 cup milk or cream
- 1-3 tablespoons sugar, to taste
- 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
- Optional-whipped cream, mini chocolate chips, more chocolate syrup
- Place milk in blender and add coffee cubes. Blend until crushed, add chocolate syrup and sugar to taste. Blend again. Pour into glass and top with whipped cream, drizzle with more chocolate syrup and garnish with sprinkles or mini chocolate chips.
recipe source ChocolateChocolateandmore.com
Teaspoon says
I’m your opposite – I love waking up early and then prepare a breakfast.
I love also drinking coffee even if I am young. I can say I am a little addicted because I can’t imagine my day without this “magic drink”. Your coffee looks great 🙂
Kelly @ The Moon and Me says
Oh, I think you just saved my life! 🙂
I hate dumping coffee…and I LOVE fraps, too! Perfect solution. 🙂
I need one of these right now…
Thanks so much!
Kimberly Sneed says
Thank you for linking up to Create & Inspire last week! Tonight we’re featuring YOU! Hope to see you there!
Nancy @ gottagetbaked says
SUCH a good idea, Joan! My coffee maker at home just broke (along with my heart) so I’m in the market for a new one. As soon as I get one, I’m going to freeze coffee so that I can make a frap whenever my greedy heart desires.
Lydia @ The Thrifty Frugal Mom says
Thanks for this recipe! I’ve tried several times to create something like this but couldn’t get the ratios right. I made this today and it was delicious! And just in case it helps someone else, for me 8 regular sized ice cubes equaled 1 cup of coffee.
Tracy says
I make these. ALLLLL the time! I call them happychinos so starbucks won’t sue me. I use Hershey York Peppermint Sundae Syrup for Peppermint-mocha happychinos, caramel syrup and some vanilla helps make an authentic-tasting caramel happychino. I have played with different creamers and seasonal flavourings. I even use equal or fat free milk sometimes. Starbucks is an expensive habit- I spend the money on good coffee and have happychinos all the time!
Sandy says
I ‘m going to try this with Decatur and artificial sweetener.
Sandy says
I meant decaf coffee
karen marie says
I skip the whole freezing as ice cubes and using a blender thing. I mix sweetened condensed milk into the coffee, place it into the freezer for several hours, stirring periodically, until it’s thick and frosty.
Or, in the alternative, pour the coffee/sweetened condensed milk mixture into popsicle molds. Yum!